
Company Overview

Our business focuses on understanding our clients’ business. EUTC is one of the major innovators in pumps, water and electrical fields in the market, with seven locations; one head office in Riyadh with warehouses, centralized center for maintenance and Assembly as European Standard. We have also expanded to reach Gulf and Middle east.
We have succeeded, and will continue to do so, as we maintain close contact with our customers. We know their products, their needs and the local trends of the markets in which they operate. The products we sell are marketed by sales professionals and supported by proficient engineers and application specialists. Our sales teams coordinate with our manufacturers on what our customers need to know about the equipment we are selling. Our business is to understand clients’ and manufactures’ products.

Our Mission

Our goal is to become the partner of choice. In this vein, we constantly work with the leading manufacturers in the industry to deliver comprehensive, tailor-made system solutions. One of the challenges our customers face is the need to keep up with the continuously changing technology. At EUTC, we monitor world trends and continually anticipate changes to take initiative, so that our clients stay one step ahead. Our success is measured by our customers’ success.

OUR Vision

Innovation and adaptation are the driving forces behind EUTC’s vision for the future. One of the company’s aims when looking ahead is to continue its growth throughout the Gulf and Middle East, and Africa; offering the latest technology in handling Electrical power , water, wastewater and hydraulics in the region. This fits with the company’s mission of advancing society and improving the standard of living in remote areas as well as in all countries alike.
The company is also seeking another window to the future to supply equipment to the oil and gas sectors. Eutc is looking into collaborating with governments and developers of oil and gas fields, with the intent of supplying pumps, lighting, valves, turbines, compressors HVAC materials and other heavy equipment needed in this emerging market.